Briki Figures
Each player has a Briki figure. Each Briki has its own character card which tracks the Briki's stats. Each Briki stands on one game tile at a time and is subject to that tile's stat modifiers for as long as it is there.
Character Cards
Each Briki has a corresponding character card. The character card is used to track the Briki's level of protection (blue dice) and the number of actions the Brikir can take each round (red dice). The character card also indicates what actions the Briki can take during a round.
Some character cards have multiple die-spaces for the same action. This allows the owner's Briki to take the same action multiple times, or roll multiple dice for the same action to improve its chances.
Tiles may be arranged any way the players wish. Each tile represents a different area of the larger game board. Each tile indicates whether a die or item card can be collected by a Briki standing on it. Each tile may also indicate stat modifiers that are applied to any Briki standing on it. Some tiles are spawn points, into which players are allowed to place their respawning Brikis. Some tiles contain yellow dice (objective dice) and serve as a competitive focus for players or teams. Some tiles may even have special rules like limited number of Brikis that may occupy them at once.
There are four types of dice (red, blue, green, and yellow) used in the game. Each character card starts with a few (indicated by the die-spaces that have stars) and more can be collected from die-spaces on tiles around the game board. Red dice are action dice, which are allocated on the character card to indicate a Briki's action. Action dice are occasionally rolled. Blue dice are protection dice and remain on the character card until a Briki has to roll for its protection. Green dice are item dice and are stored on certain item cards until they are needed. Item dice are almost always removed from the game after they are rolled. Yellow dice are objective dice and remain on their tiles until a Briki collects them.
The number of sides on a die does not matter, but the more sides a die has, the more it is worth (rolling higher numbers is usually good).
Item cards
Item cards indicate the type, number, and value of dice needed to be rolled for a certain action. Most item cards represent weapons and require their owning players to roll a certain value of action dice "to hit" and the targeted players to roll a certain value of protection dice "to survive". Weapons have stats for short range (when the Briki and it's target are on the same tile) as well as long range (when the Briki's target is in a neighboring tile).
As a group, the players may choose to start the game with everyone holding a specific item card, to randomly allocate item cards, or start empty handed. either way, each player may only hold one item card at a time. If players do not start with item cards, make sure there are tiles on the table which allow players to collect items or you will not be playing an interesting game.
Some sort of marker should be kept on the table and passed between players to indicate who's turn it is. This is not necessary, but it makes keeping track of the game easier. A bottle cap works well.