Thursday, May 29, 2008

Power Beer

Drink night was cut short this week, a casualty of the 'been drinking all weekend while out of town' syndrom. Still, wednesday is wednesday and some drinking has gotta happen. So here, for your entertainment is "Power Beer".

Power Beer
take a 1/2 keg of Yeungling brand beer and go to a 50 person party
have 20 people not show up and the rest bring their own beer
drain keg into any and all containers lying around your house
drink on any given night

So... post keg, flat, teppid beer. Yeah, yummy! The flavor is not unlike bog water, which could describe the texture too. Still, the contents are midly alcoholic and paced-well, you can keep yourself solidly drunk off a 1/2 kegs worth for at least a week.

The gateraid bottle worked better than most containers. Compaired to the 2L's of Coke, which went flat quicker, and the dozen dasani bottles, which were unpeasantly small & hard to drink from, the gator was half way okay (in it's own getting you drunk way)

definitely 1 burp out of 5 though.