Thursday, July 5, 2007

Get Bit shots

(crowd playing get bit. Turn out is good. we sold five copies of the game, which is good considering thursday is a slow / low attendance day)
(more get bit demos. mister robot is in the background. i wore him all over the exhibitor hall and in the CCG hall. Several visits to the booth from it. Several photos of mister robot by con goers. I wonder if we will ever see them around the internet...)

Couple of Dave's friends stopped by to say hi (I think these are the friends that hang around his ex girlfriend? I hadn't met them before.) Nice guys (not pictured) and I look forward to getting some demos in with them tomorrow.
(doing our demos on a medium neutral color was a good idea. the colors pop for Get bit, and the Sushi projects are much easier to photograph. got to remember that when we do new photography for Jerry's updated website)

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