Friday, July 6, 2007

Friday after 6

By 6pm (hall closed to the public) we were all pretty much wrecked. Satish stuffed a bunch of moldy sandwiches in my back pack and asked me to fridge them tonight. Dom and I joked about porn and having booze at the bar next year. we reviewed out sales figures -- we both did less sales today than yesterday, even though the crowds were larger (mysterious!)

Our day end was:

4 jetsetters
1 nerd trivia
1 inquisition
3 criminals
2 Tlip
1 Zolmh
1 bombshells
3 Get Bit!

which actually wasn't much lower in cash value than yesterday, but felt odd because the get bit orders didn't pick up. Lots of people seemed 'i'll get it later' ish in their feeling about it, though everyone seemed very happy with it as a product.

satish lets out a massive, earth shattering monkey fart and asks about putting porn in rule books. We're all happy and cracking jokes, but the guys are wiped -- they are doing even more than we are with 3+ game shows a day, and Satish's voices is almost gone by this point.

notes of the day:

Met a nice woman who teaches a grad program for game design in NYC. She seemed interested in having her students talk with us about the baby steps you can take from 'grad' to 'published'.

UK distributer dropped by and liked Get Bit. He feels like we could do about 90 units through him this year, though I'm not sure how that works into the first release. If he can hold on for a little bit, it would be awesome to produce a second run of get bit knowing 90+ units were already called for.

Dave Stopped in around 11'ish and there were no crazy pants, or wearing of crazy pants, which was releaving. I'm glad he got a press pass for Critical hits -- i had not known of suck things until yesterday morning when press pass wearing Mofo's were walking through the hall while we were setting up

Did a pod cast interview with some pod casting guys (I have their card but no memory of their names! Gah)

Ta Te Wu stopped by and asked to show us a submission later during the con

Steve and Steven stopped by and were the loudest most awesome demo guys so far :) It's hard to describe their awesomeness... they referred to the
swimmers in get bit as 'steves' and played down to the pelvic bones. I guess it was just a fun scene they made, and i miss having those kind of people around me.

Walked around the con wearing mister robot. got a hug and several more photos that i may never see on the internet. please send us links if you see them! I also danced with PikaChu while wearing mister robot.

Hell of a time, and sorry to anyone i missed!

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