Monday, October 8, 2007


I've been muling over Video Games vs. Non electronic Games recently. Specifically, why NEGs are harder to get people interested in and have lower social impact. BuDog inlet an interesting thought:

Its more perception than anything else. You can get people to play any of those games, its just that people frown on it in a certain age group ever since Magic rose and fell.
So you mostly have just the hardcore demographic still trying new games. You have to get them in the Pokemon stages.

Video games offer a lot more than board/card games can when considered as an object. To make card games shine you need interesting people.
That is the biggest hurdle. Some people really like tabletop games, but they can't find a good group to play with.

I'd say I find this true in videogames too. In that multi-player focus games can bite it if the players are not supportive to new players, interesting to play with, or 14 year old xbox racists. I suppose the big difference is that board games and card games don't usually have a solo option. And more over, since they are already niche, 'going to a new lobby' to find other players is harder to accomplish...

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